AI & the Future of Education by University of Toronto Professor Paolo Granata


Paolo Granata is the director of the Media Ethics Lab at the University of Toronto. What makes us human in an age of AI? Professor Granata believes that AI – a new medium, a new language, a new information environment – holds the potential to enhance human agency and to reimagine the future of education.

The Media Ethics Lab is a research hub at the University of Toronto that studies the ways that digital media practices and emerging technologies are marked by ethical issues and decisive political, societal and cultural questions: 00:00

Intro 00:48 From the Gutenberg Galaxy to the Turing Galaxy
03:48 AI is not a Tool, it’s an Environment
05:00 Content matters, but context more so
08:00 Algorithmic learning vs Heuristic Learning

“Human vs. AI: Who’s Teaching Whom?
As the new academic year is about to start at the University of Toronto, I’d like to share my take on AI and the Future (and present) of Education. Like water to a fish, AI is the medium in which we are immersed now. It’s impact is ecological, it involves the entire human-technology ecosystem. AI is not a tool, AI is creating a new human environment.
So, here’s the thing: it’s not just about ChatGPT doing homework for students. The real danger is that we created a system where students must become like ChatGPT to successfully complete a course. The fact that students may be tempted to use IA tools to breeze through their coursework is the concrete evidence of the limited demand for creativity. In many disciplines students are not required to use their creativity or imagination to pass a course, they have to just follow the recipe, executing the algorithm given to them. This is not nurturing intellectual growth: this is just manufacturing educational conformity.
It seems we have created a system where similarity is rewarded, and originality is often overlooked. 
Is this what we really want education to become?
I believe that Generative AI is showing us the failure of this kind of algorithmic learning, the failure of this standardized and homogenized learning model. ChatGPT is actually showing us that it’s time to question, to reconsider, to shift from algorithmic learning to *heuristic learning*, a model that celebrates the joy of discovery, that encourages self-learning, self-assessment, an exploratory approach that fosters not just reasoning, but also creativity, imagination, education as a wellspring of wellbeing.”

2 Responses to “AI & the Future of Education by University of Toronto Professor Paolo Granata”

  1. 1 Anonymous

    Hola McL scholar Paolo Granata! This reply may not reflect my true heart and soul but I came across this article and it has inspired me to respond. Disclaimer. I have had a few beers.

    Also, I confess my response has little to do with your recent article about AI. But I like what you said about the importance of heuristic learning. One of these days we will be able to press a button and our speech will be transmuted into a some quasi Shakespearean, Joycean, Faulknerean prose, nonsensical but poetic, whereby the button presser will get all the accolades, response and ego boost but nothing whatsoever of the authentic poetic experience of doing the actual work or the resulting joy of discovery.

    An aside. I do love the concept and idea behind the Medium board game and I am hoping that I receive it as a Christmas present from my wife. I have left hints. Though I’m not sure I will find anyone who would enjoy it in the same spirit as would I.

    Seems most of my friends, I do not run with an intellectual crowd mind you, do not get McL. I am nearly 60 years old and reasonably young at heart and have seen that most of them tend to google him when I refer to his ideas and they do seem intrigued at first but then become prejudiced to his manner, his delivery, especially by his youtube videos. Have you encountered this? For as you probably have discovered, this is how the majority of our recent generation vets their messiahs. McL seriously needs a re-Branding if he is ever to take flight again. The young gen tends to pre-judge rather than read the actual books. I get it. We had cliff notes. Though Understanding Media cannot be conquered with cliff notes.

    Everyone is a Narcissist. Instagram.
    Everyone is prejudiced. Google.

    On my drive home tonight above me on a power line a raven or possibly a crow saw me coming and dropped a walnut in the path of my truck intelligently predicting my course and the possibility of my help in loosening the husk of his potential meal. Of course, I swerved in line with the walnut which cracked beneath my tire and he swooped down and retrieved his dinner. Such is the way of the universe. Action. Reaction. Choice. And hopefully, Intelligent response.

    McL has been a philosophical friend for a number of years. I find myself thinking his thoughts at times and answering his hidden questions. I’m always intrigued by thinkers who leave something for their potential students to discover on their own. Which I believe McL was. A true teacher. I don’t know if he ever said it but obviously he, being a religious man, thought it. That the original Medium was God. Did he ever say this? I wonder. Or, did he ever come out directly and say that the Medium of government requires frequent reconsideration and analysis as the new technologies present themselves.

    News leaks?

    Original s(p)in?

    Don’t drink the cool-ad

    These days I am more concerned with my art and olive trees though occasionally meander back into philosophical questioning. Recently, I’ve been trying to put McL into laymen’s terms that my friends can understand. I find that referring to sports, using sports as an analogy, usually cements their understanding.

    If you do wish to respond I will be an active listener.


    Feisty Bear


  2. Mr. “Bear”, I will pass on your comments to Professor Paolo Granata.


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